Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the force be with you

Find more Socrates Johnson songs at Myspace Music

I have been MIA from the blogosphere for a while, and have a lot to catch up on, but today instead of doing any of that, I wanted to share Cody's Star Wars themed song 'Dreams and Prophecies' from his old band Socrates Johnson. (he plays the piano and sings) ...ah to be young and married again. That is to say to be young again, we are still married. ha ha.

After all, IT IS national Star Wars Day!!

Growing up in a house full of girls, (minus the one boy, who was severely outnumbered) we skipped the star wars and ninja turtles and opted for pride and prejudice and my little ponies.

Since getting married, I have seen the error of my ways, and have become a star wars fan.. not that I profess to be an expert.

Anyway enjoy this little ditty and laugh at Cody with me!! I love that my husband is a big nerd. Love, love love him!! ..(oh and Don't worry, he is working on a song about Lando the only black star wars character, other than mace of course)


  1. OH man. I didnt even know that yesterday was National Star Wars day. No wonder everyone kept saying May the 4th be with you. Ha ha. I just thought everyone was loco.

  2. OMG! I totally forgot about that song, and the recording sounds sooooo awesome. Not only is he handsome oand smart, he's freakishly talented also. What a lucky girl you are to have married into this nerdy family!! Love you.
